Sunday, April 19, 2020

Blog 5

Have you ever idolized and looked up to a woman so much? Well, I have, and mine would be Ellen DeGeneres. I love watching her shows in the afternoon. She cracks me up so much. She is also someone who is not afraid to be who she is, and she also has a show where she constantly makes people laugh.

Ellen DeGeneres Hopes Show Can Serve as "Distraction" Amid ...

Ellen also has different guests each episode; she sometimes even guests people who go viral on the internet for writing or posting something on their social media! She gives people chances to achieve that "hollywood fame." I also love the fact that she gives out giveaways to her audiences, like iPhones or money or any appliances. It sure would be such a dream to be in her show one day! Ellen is also vegan, so this part comes is about the health/wellness aspect of things and her concerns of animals. She is a big animal lover, so she is vegan. She was named woman of the year by PETA in 2009, and she also donated $25,000 to stop Ag-Gag in 2013, which inhibits undercover investigators form recording animal abuse in farms. I am someone who is very much fond with animals as well, especially dogs, so this speaks volume to me.  She is inspirational to me because she makes people laugh and she never seems greedy with her blessings when it comes to money as she supports and donates for a great cause.

Petition · Animal Abuse & Cruelty ·

ellentube - Celebrity Interviews, Original Series, Giveaways and more. (n.d.). Retrieved April 19, 2020, from

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Blog 4

Blog 4

Indian-origin man jailed for sexually assaulting woman in ...

In the article that I read "Facts and figures: ending violence against women" it says that it is an estimate that 35% of women worldwide has experienced some sort of assault, whether it is physical, sexual, or violent assault. It also states that at least 70% of women experience sexual assault from their partner. I personally think these percentages are high, and there must be something that needs to be done about this.

The question is how can we stop assaults from being committed against women? There is a lot that can be done. There is a lot that can be done in terms of raising awareness as well as educating people about this issue. Based on my knowledge from what I know and what I have gained and gathered information from this article, a lot of men who see their fathers abuse their mothers have the tendency to do the same thing to their intimate partner. Some of the things that can be done about this is to educate the people in our family. It all starts in the home. A lot of the habits we develop start from the house, and it is not right for men to become like this and assault women because they grew up in a household where it was provident. The article also mentions " out of three students have been bullied by their peers at school.....girls are more likely to experience psychological bullying...girls also report being made fun of because of how their body looks more frequently than others," which is something that is very much relevant today: bullying. One of the big things we can do to prevent assaults against women is to teach women to be strong willed physically and mentally. We need to be able to tell them that they are strong and beautiful no matter what anyone says.

A very big thing to me that comes to mind when it comes to preventing assaults from being committed against women is to teach our generation, especially men, to practice kindness and to always treat women with respect, as well as for women to always be strong willed no matter what.

Respect Women - Women - Sticker | TeePublic

Facts and figures: Ending violence against women. (2019, November). Retrieved March 29, 2020, from

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Blog 3

Option 2

Image result for mental illness

What is mental illness/health? Why does it matter? Mental health pretty much refers to anything that affect one's mood, thinking, and behavior. It is very important because it shapes who a person is. If a person is not stable mentally it can really affect their overall health.

After taking the self-quiz about mental health from the CDC website, I learned that poor mental health can increases one's chances of developing cancer, stroke, and heart diseases. I think it is pretty insane that just because someone is not well mentally it can really affect their health, but everything about our bodies ties together. I also learned that suicide is the second leading cause of death among people who are 15-34 years old in the United States. A lot of the times when people are suffering with depression and anxiety and they do not get the proper help that they need because they are really going through it really bad, they commit suicide. I wish that we can always implement the importance of letting people know their resources and who they can reach out when they are going through something so that it does not come down to this.

I have known someone with a mental illness, let's call her Jane. She was very smart, she always made straight A's when she was in school. When she graduated college, she got offered a very good paying job in the city of New York. She suffered severe anxiety that it prevented her from going to work, which ultimately resulted her losing a really good job. She had to come back to her hometown and get help because she was starting to be afraid of doing daily things in life she would not leave her house.
What I have learned about this mental illness just by knowing this person is that anxiety can affect someone severely, and getting the right kind of diagnosis and treatment from it can help a lot. Knowing the first steps of what to do in order to get help is already a big success since it is not always easy for people.

Mental illness. (2019, June 8). Retrieved March 1, 2020, from

Quiz - Mental Health - CDC. (2018, January 26). Retrieved March 1, 2020, from

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Blog 2

Image result for menopause

What is menopause? In simpler words, menopause is a time of a woman's life where her period stops. It happens because a woman's ovaries stop producing the hormones progesterone and estrogen. A woman's reproductive hormones naturally start declining around her 40s and 50s.

Image result for menopause

In the U.S. one of the many symptoms that is associated with menopause are hot flashes and night sweats. These symptoms are actually not universal and can vary from different cultures. An anthropologist named Marcha Flint studied 483 women in India and discovered that they did not experience menopausal symptoms. They only experienced menstrual changes, which makes sense as your period stops completely when you go through menopause. Margaret Lock also found out a decade later that Japanese women during menopause experienced shoulder stiffness as symptoms and that hot flashes were very rare. In Hong Kong, on another hand, researchers studied and saw that muscle and joint problems were the main symptoms.

Researchers believed that lifestyle plays a big role as to why these symptoms vary among different cultures around the world. After all lifestyle plays a bigger role in terms of how hormones are affected by it in terms of how we sleep, eat, exercise, etc.

Menopause | Menopause Symptoms. (2019, December 19). Retrieved February 9, 2020, from

Pote, K. (2014, September 19). Menopause Around the World. Retrieved February 9, 2020, from

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Blog 1

For Blog 1,

After reading the powerpoint of 2019 status of women worldwide, there were a couple things that stood out to me. Mandarin Chinese making up 12.2% in the language spoken globally quite shocked me because I thought it would be English, but English only 4.6%. I thought that the primary language people would speak, not just women, when traveling worldwide would English, so that was surprising to me.

Some of the accomplishments that I most admired by women were the slide where it talked about if girls would attend an extra year of secondary school their earnings would increase by 10%-20%. I think that is pretty amazing because it shows that if women would just go for the extra push it would really pay off and they would feel very accomplished. It was also admirable to know that at least 10 women would be joining the congressional seats. That is always good to know that it is ruled by women because women would be able to have a say when it comes to making and publishing laws.

My feelings about global women's health now after reading the powerpoint is that we must address health issues, especially the ones pertaining to how 80% of the victims of human trafficking are women and when one of the causes of death for women is HIV. I think there should be more awareness raised on these issues to help prevent it even more.